How to Move the Goalkeeper in FIFA 23

How to Move Keeper in FIFA 23

In FIFA 23, goalkeepers are more agile and responsive than ever before. With new controls and animations, you can now make more precise movements and saves to keep your team’s goal safe.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to move your goalkeeper in FIFA 23. We’ll cover the basics of goalkeeper movement, as well as some advanced tips and tricks. So whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, read on to learn how to move your goalkeeper like a pro!


Step Action Description
1 Press and hold the right analog stick This will bring up the keeper movement controls
2 Use the left analog stick to move the keeper The left analog stick controls the keeper’s movement in all directions
3 Press the A button to dive The A button will make the keeper dive in the direction of the left analog stick


In FIFA 23, you can move the keeper with the right stick or the D-Pad. The right stick is the more precise way to move the keeper, while the D-Pad is a faster way to make large movements.

How to Move the Keeper with the Right Stick

To move the keeper with the right stick, simply hold the stick in the direction you want to move the keeper. For example, to move the keeper forward, hold the stick up. To move the keeper backward, hold the stick down. To move the keeper to the left, hold the stick left. To move the keeper to the right, hold the stick right.

How to Move the Keeper with the D-Pad

To move the keeper with the D-Pad, simply press the direction you want to move the keeper. For example, to move the keeper forward, press up on the D-Pad. To move the keeper backward, press down on the D-Pad. To move the keeper to the left, press left on the D-Pad. To move the keeper to the right, press right on the D-Pad.

Moving the keeper is an important part of playing FIFA 23. By using the right stick or the D-Pad, you can control the keeper’s movement and make sure that he is in position to make saves.

How To Move Keeper Fifa 23?

In FIFA 23, there are two ways to move the keeper: with the left stick and with the goalkeeper controls.

3.How to Move the Keeper with the Left Stick

To move the keeper with the left stick, hold down the left trigger and use the left stick to move the keeper. The left stick controls the keeper’s movement in relation to the goal.

  • Moving the left stick up will move the keeper closer to the goal.
  • Moving the left stick down will move the keeper farther away from the goal.
  • Moving the left stick left will move the keeper to the left of the goal.
  • Moving the left stick right will move the keeper to the right of the goal.

4.How to Move the Keeper with the Goalkeeper Controls

In addition to using the left stick, you can also move the keeper with the goalkeeper controls. The goalkeeper controls are located on the right side of the controller.

  • Press the A button to dive to the left.
  • Press the B button to dive to the right.
  • Press the X button to punch the ball away.
  • Press the Y button to catch the ball.

Moving the keeper in FIFA 23 is essential for making saves and preventing goals. By using the left stick and the goalkeeper controls, you can control the keeper’s movement and make the saves that matter.

How do I move the keeper in FIFA 23?

To move the keeper in FIFA 23, use the left stick on your controller. The left stick controls the keeper’s movement, so you can use it to move him left, right, up, and down. You can also use the left stick to control the keeper’s diving. To dive, hold down the left trigger and press the left stick in the direction you want the keeper to dive.

How do I control the keeper’s positioning?

To control the keeper’s positioning, use the right stick on your controller. The right stick controls the keeper’s vision, so you can use it to make him look in different directions. You can also use the right stick to control the keeper’s distribution. To distribute the ball, hold down the right trigger and press the right stick in the direction you want the keeper to pass the ball.

How do I make the keeper come out for a cross?

To make the keeper come out for a cross, hold down the right trigger and press the A button on your controller. This will make the keeper run out to meet the cross and try to catch the ball.

How do I make the keeper dive for a save?

To make the keeper dive for a save, hold down the left trigger and press the left stick in the direction you want the keeper to dive. This will make the keeper dive and try to save the shot.

How do I control the keeper’s movement in the air?

To control the keeper’s movement in the air, use the left stick on your controller. The left stick controls the keeper’s body, so you can use it to make him move his arms and legs. You can also use the left stick to control the keeper’s balance. To balance the keeper, hold down the left trigger and press the left stick in the direction you want the keeper to lean.

How do I make the keeper use his feet?

To make the keeper use his feet, hold down the right trigger and press the B button on your controller. This will make the keeper use his feet to try to clear the ball.

How do I make the keeper use his hands?

To make the keeper use his hands, hold down the right trigger and press the A button on your controller. This will make the keeper use his hands to try to catch the ball.

In this guide, we have shown you how to move your keeper in FIFA 23. We covered the basics of moving your keeper, as well as some more advanced techniques. We hope that you have found this guide helpful and that you are now able to move your keeper with greater confidence.

Here are some key takeaways from this guide:

  • To move your keeper, use the left stick.
  • You can move your keeper in all directions, including up, down, left, and right.
  • You can also use the right stick to move your keeper diagonally.
  • To dive, hold down the A button and press the left stick in the direction you want to dive.
  • To save a shot, hold down the A button and press the right stick in the direction you want to save the shot.

We hope that you have enjoyed this guide and that you are now able to move your keeper with greater confidence. Good luck in your FIFA 23 career!

Author Profile

Kane Whitaker
Kane Whitaker
Hello, fellow football lovers! I’m Kane Whitaker, a Sunday league player and a lifelong fan of the beautiful game.

As a dedicated Liverpool supporter, I hold immense respect and admiration for all clubs and aspects of football.

My passion extends from the electrifying atmosphere of packed stadiums to the simple joy of kicking a ball in a backyard. Football isn’t just a sport to me; it’s a way of life.

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